CLO DE VILA X WOMEN WEAVE Face Mask - Purple & Orange, Frilled Edge | Clo de Vila
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These soft, breathable face masks have been made in collaboration with the amazing women of Women Weave, an organisation that empowers women through manual artistry in Maheshwar, Central India. Hand-dyed in our favourite pink and made in the Women Weave's signature light khadi, they come right on time as Spring is in the air!


Each mask has been hand-spun, handwoven, hand-dyed and hand-embroidered. The technique used is called Kantha embroidery, a centuries-old technique originally from the eastern regions of the Indian subcontinent. The colour of the embroidery floss has been changed on all the pieces making each one of them truly unique.


Please note, this product is NOT a surgical mask. This product is NOT Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and should not be used to meet a professional healthcare facility’s obligations to protect workers against infectious disease hazards. We recommend that you wear a medical grade mask underneath.


Please note that our face masks are non-refundable for reasons of health and safety.

CLO DE VILA X WOMEN WEAVE Face Mask - Purple & Orange, Frilled Edge

  • 100% cotton

    Soft and breathable hand-woven cotton khadi 

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